Thursday, June 27, 2013

“Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels”

He had a picture - just a single picture of her.
  That’s all that remained.

It was from a bygone era that no longer meant much to anyone except to him.

It was a vastly different era.  Love was in very short supply.  The country was at war. 

This war was tearing the nation apart.  Buildings, draft cards and American flags were burned.  Schools were temporarily closed.  Roads and access to buildings were blocked.  Government buildings were burglarized.  Parents and children became estranged as never before.  Children left home and joined communes and embraced a rebellious, radical, sometimes violent lifestyle.  Brothers stopped speaking to one another.  The contemporary depiction of the police was “the pigs.” Service men were spat on, egged and called "baby killers."  Young Americans headed north of the border to avoid imprisonment.  Protestors were beaten, imprisoned and shot to death while 58,282 families buried their loved ones – the casualties of this war.  The country also witnessed the sunshine of hope for a brighter tomorrow eclipsed by the dark moons of assassination as the country also buried their most compassionate and loving leaders of the day.      

In the midst of all this he found his deepest love in life. He was also nineteen and a draftee destined for Southeast Asia. While stationed overseas he met a fellow GI from his home state.  They quickly became good friends.

Unlike most military friendships this one endured and was exceptional.   They found themselves living in the same city after they were discharged from the military.  They continued to remain the best of friends. 

Now, many precious years later, he finds himself suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease.  His pal from his service days would often visit him at the VA hospital.  It was during these visits that the relationship developed into a very profound closeness.    

The disease had advanced to the point where he was unable to walk, get out of bed on his own power and had limited use of his hands and arms. The respiratory complications were beginning as he had just overcome a bout with pneumonia.  He knew remaining days were short and felt now was the time to show his good buddy the picture.  

He had met her through a family friend.  He talked about his short visits back home during his training in which they began dating and how the spark was ignited.  But it was during his 30 day leave over the Christmas holidays and before he went overseas that marked the high point in the relationship. 

He spoke of the parties, the wonderful dances, the hayride, all the family and casual gatherings with friends.  It was she who introduced him to Camelot.  Because she still lived at home she had a curfew for which he was most grateful.  It was that curfew that provided the most cherished memories of all.  When they would arrive at her home the family would be asleep upstairs.  They would put on music and embrace and hold one another while talking for hours before he would finally leave. 

But like Camelot, there was an air of tragedy in loving her.  He would be going away and because she was so beautiful and special he couldn’t expect her to wait for him.  There was also the reality that he may not return.  This impending gloom, while never discussed, was a constant and thus a serious source of awful frustration.  He said; “when I looked at her as I boarded the airplane, I knew it was for the last time – I would never see her again.”  And he never did. 

He concluded by leaning forward in his wheelchair, placing a mostly crippled hand on his good buddy’s knee and with a warm smile said; “In an era filled with hatred – ‘Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels’, my very good friend.”  At least I HAVE THE PICTURE.”

The reference to Moons and Junes and Ferris Wheels is from the Joni Mitchell composition “Both Side Now” a 1968 hit record for Judy Collins.  

“Moons and Junes and Ferris wheels
The dizzy dancing way you feel
As every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way

But now it's just another show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care, don't let them know
Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take, and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all”

That was the last time his dear friend visited.  He had requested no more visits.  He didn’t want his devoted companion to see him deteriorate into a human vegetable or watch him die.

He had no remaining family.  He never married, his parents had passed and his only sibling, a brother, was killed in Vietnam.

On the day he was laid to rest the flag that draped his coffin was presented to his loving buddy at the gravesite and, at his request, so was that picture. 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Something’s New at The IRS?

The four gentlemen would meet every two months or so for dinner. 

At one such gathering, one of the gentlemen revealed a horrifying story in the hope of educating and protecting his three buddies from the same fate.  We will call him Peter.  

Peter had just completed an IRS audit. 

It began with a request for Peter to provide all his records in support of his last three IRS filings.  It escalated into the demand that Peter supply written documentation as to where every penny he deposited into his checking account and saving accounts it was obtained.  The arduous chore could obviously not be accomplished to the IRS’s satisfaction.  Therefore, each and every penny that could not be adequately identified through written documentation as non-taxable, was deemed as taxable income.  In addition to the back taxes, there were, of course, the penalties and interest on all newly established taxable money dating back as far as three years. 

Coincidently enough, when the IRS submitted their final bill to Peter it very closely resembled the exact amount in his passbook savings accounts, his savings certificates and his IRA accounts – for which additional taxes would be levied for early withdrawals.  

Finished with the Feds Peter would now have to deal with the state.  What he learned was that the state would have to become his first priority as they easily trumped the Feds when it came to vicious aggressiveness in collecting their money. 

This whole process taught ole Peter that the cherished concept of innocent until proven guilty does not apply when dealing with the IRS.  He was guilty until he proves his innocence.  There is no burden of proof the IRS must meet when making any accusation or demand – absolutely no due process under the law. 

Which brings us to the crème de la crème of our tale. Peter naturally thought he had accurately filed and adequately met his tax burden over the years.  As the frustration mounted over one unreasonable IRS demand after another Peter asked the big question; “Why are you auditing me?  What red flags popped up on my returns?”  The IRS agent handling his audit responded by saying; “There were no red flags.  You have recently had surgery, gone through a divorce and left a long-standing job.  We like to take a look at anyone we find in that position.”  None of that personal information was ever communicated to the IRS by Peter.  

Peter’s story was validated in September of 1997.  Congressional hearings were prompted by Katherine Hicks of Apple Valley, California when she decided to risk the wrath of the IRS by writing to Congress to end their harassment.  What surfaced through testimony of former IRS agents as well as a line of citizens that stretched from Minneapolis to Poughkeepsie was that lower- and middle-income Americans were routinely targeted and subjected to Gestapo-style treatment and audits.  These individuals where primarily targeted because they did not have the means to defend themselves and where therefore viewed as easy pickings by the IRS.  

IRS agent Jennifer Long testified; "I can personally attest to the use of egregious tactics used by IRS revenue agents which are encouraged by members of the IRS management.  These tactics, which appear nowhere in the IRS manual, are used to extract unfairly assessed taxes from taxpayers, literally ruining families lives and businesses, all unnecessarily and sometimes illegally."  Yep - that certainly described Peter’s experience. 

In 1998 some obviously inadequate laws were enacted to curb these abuses even though the Clinton administration opposed any effort to do so. 

Now the media is all agog over suspected IRS targeting of political groups.  This puerile, woe-is-me political whining and media frenzy centers around IRS § 501(C)4.  The ambiguity in this law currently serves as a safe haven for the IRS, who may or may not have had a targeting agenda; as well as providing fodder for those who wish to create a controversy by charging that targeting occurred even if those activities never took place.  This ambiguity exists because it is the exact climate our politicians want.  It provides the IRS with the legal cover they need to continue to act autonomously as both judge and jury.  

The IRS has long been the bully-boy of the American government.  President Kennedy threatened an audit of the steel executives in 1962 when they refused to honor their agreement with the steel workers union.  IRS audits are routinely conducted to harass organizations and individuals suspected of nefarious activities.  It was the IRS that finally sent Al Capone to jail. 

What we as a nation should be focusing on is a complete revamping and restructuring of our current tax laws, programs and system.  Those reforms need to include the elimination or at the very least, a severe curtailing of IRS abusive power used not just to prosecute the unsavory among us, but rather to eliminated the bullying of Americans they identify as low-hanging fruit. 

As long as our media and politicians are intoxicated by their own egos and self-indulgence thus refusing to honor their responsibility of promoting and protecting the general welfare and common good, we can expect nothing more than the same non-existent and insufficient reform we were left with in 1998.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Overcoming Bullying

Imagine, if you can, the world today, if no one stood up to Hitler.

The current Safe and Supportive Schools bill proposed by the Minnesota State Legislature to deal with bullying hits a new level of silliness even for this body which has become infamous for such behavior.  

Those who have ever dealt with this ugliness understand the folly in attempting legislation on such a matter.  The folly stems from two indisputable realities. 

One is that, by its very nature, it is subjective and can be easily overshadowed by vagueness and confusion.  Secondly, the only way to end the behavior is to fight back – to say I am not afraid of you and will no longer allow you to mistreat me.  How can any of this ever be adequately addressed in any form of legislation? 

Let’s consider the young man who attended St. Charles Borromeo in Minneapolis.  While the good nuns always taught students to turn the other check it was learned that it has limitations.  

Returning home from school could be treacherous.   Along the sidewalk that led to his home was a hillside field that contained heavy brush.  Some older students found it sporting to hide in the brush and then rise up, run down the hill and attack this young man, his brother and one of their neighborhood chums.  

After weeks of trying to avoid the pummeling by running away the young man decided: HE HAD ENOUGH!  

He stood his ground and focused his attention on one of the four attackers, the one he hoped he could handle.  He didn't care if he lost or was badly hurt.   

When he threw his first punch it obviously startled the four Huns as they stopped dead in their tracks.  

His second punch struck a second attacker while he maintained focus on his initial target.  His mind now became a blur as he wrestled the thug to the ground and hopped on top of him.  Once in this commanding position he threw punch after punch after punch until the attacker whimpered for mercy and begged the beating be halted. 

But it didn't end there.  When he arrived at school the next day he was told to report to the principal’s office.  Sister Gabriel said that the thug’s mother had called and was furious with this completely unwarranted attack on her son.  She asked the young man if he was responsible and why he would do such a thing.  After his explanation the nun looked across her desk and said; "sounds to me like you've been turning the other cheek long enough.  I'll deal with his mother.  You can return to class."  He could also now return safely home once again with no legislation needed. 

For quite some time the thug’s mother believed the young man who fought back was the bully.  She even chastised him publically.  It wasn’t until years later the thug’s mother admitted to the young man’s mother how deeply she regretted her actions once she finally learned the truth. 

That was then.  But how about today? 

Dwayne is currently in middle school.  He is highly intelligent, wears glasses, has long hair and possesses effeminate mannerisms - the perfect target for bullies. 

When he complained to his mother and grandfather it was made clear to him these louts would not go away until he stood up to them.  

After some thought, Dwayne approached the more vicious of the two.   He told him it was time for the harassment to end.  He suggested they meet and slug it out.  

Dwayne pointed out that while he would more than likely lose the brawl it would be of no embarrassment to him because that would be the expected outcome.  However, should Dwayne land a couple of lucky punches and possibly make a good accounting of himself, he would gain greater school wide acceptance while such an occurrence would prove to be a huge school wide embarrassment for this lowlife.  Dwayne also pointed out that even if defeated he would continue to challenge this aggressor until he either tired of the activity or until he was forced to regret his actions by losing the respect of all his buddies.  So Dwayne concluded; it’s a win-win for me and lose-lose for you.  When do you want to get together?”  This ended the bullying on all fronts with no legislation needed.  

Finally, and equally as important, finding the courage and wherewithal to stand up to our enemies is all part-and-parcel of growing up and toughing up.  This most certainly cannot be taught in the schools or in the legislature.  It can only be taught by supportive parents within the home.  

One can’t help but wonder if the Civil Rights Bill Of 1964 would have ever been enacted if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had grown up in an environment where he was dependent upon some bogus state legislation to deal with all his bullies. 

   When you let fear control your actions; you kill your spirt. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Ideology Versus Party

Chairman Bill, William F. Buckley Jr., the founder of the conservative magazine The National Review and the once undisputed guru of American conservative thought, cautioned against any acceptance of a universal definition for conservatism.  It has been established over the years that the same can be said for liberalism, Libertarianism, Socialism Or any other…”ism.”  In reading any attempted definitions you will, in all probably, gain far greater insight into the author than you will the ideology.  

 Another key element to Buckley’s thinking cautioned against placing party before ideology.  He was quick to write and point out that the devils of deception were always lurking under party banners and to beware of those false gods.  He demonstrated a strong conviction to these principles when he ran as an independent in the New York City Mayoral election in 1965.  His brother James also ran as an independent winning a U.S. Senate seat in 1970.  Buckley could be as harsh with Republicans as he could be generous with lavish praise for Democrats.  He was committed to finding, what he believed, was the truth in these murkiest of waters. He made every effort to employ sound rational thought in combination with an ideological purity. 

Confident these teachings had taken hold and equally as confident they had been crafted into finely honed guidelines for political thought, you can imagine my surprise when recently asked if I was now a Democrat.   The inquiry came from an acquaintance of some forty years with whom I had lost contact.  Confusion had arisen from our conversation having reached a virtual standstill.  

 The question did however prompt thought and evaluation.   After reflection, I concluded I had not changed, but that the political landscape – political parties - and culture had changed, which may have been the primary cause for this obvious confusion.

 This self-examination first led me to realize it is impossible for me to embraced the philosophies and principles that define Republicans today for which, quite frankly, there is very limited sound rational.

 This clarification extended to Republicans like Ronald Reagan who stated; 

Where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost
.”  As well as; We are going to close the unproductive tax loopholes that allow some of the truly wealthy to avoid paying their fair share.  In theory some of those loopholes were understandable but in practice they sometimes make it possible for millionaires to pay nothing while a bus driver pays ten per cent of his salary and that’s crazy.” 
I pointed to Barry Goldwater who said; “you don’t have to be straight to be in the military; you just have to be able to shot straight.”  As well as; “I'm frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in "A," "B," "C" and "D." Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?” 

I reemphasized that proud Republican support was given to those like President Dwight David Eisenhower who believed; Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history.  There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things…Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”  

Then, of course, there was Illinois Senator Everett Dirksen.  In 1964 Dirksen’s influence ended the senate filibuster holding up civil rights legislation thus paving the way for the bill’s passage.

 It also reminded me that Mr. Buckley, with the aid of other Republicans, were responsible for discrediting the John Birch Society.  The modern-day John Birch Society, now known as “The Tea Party,” is warmly embraced by the Republican Party.

None of these principles or ideals can be found within today’s GOP.  

Further contemplation led to the realization that Democratic Party evolution has redefined their priorities.  The corporate Democrat doctrine has supplanted the more than forty years of the humane Roosevelt, Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson doctrines, programs and priorities. 

 The transformation occurred with President Carter.  To strengthen the Democratic Party brand which was badly tarnished by the embarrassing defeat of George McGovern, President Carter politically positioned himself as a moderate Democrat.  This maneuver was orchestrated to escape the perception that Democrats were far left, extremist fanatics.    

 Large financial concerns within our country then began pouring vast sums of money into Democratic Party coffers. Carter Deregulated the airline and trucking industries.  Bill Clinton, with a single stroke of his pen, signed the Gramm Leach Bliley Act into law in 1999 which repealed the Glass Steagall Act and acted as the single most influential piece of deregulation in that it ushered in the great recession of 2008.  This gave great credence to Clinton’s pronouncement; The era of big government is over.”   With these actions and this pronouncement, the poor, underprivileged, disadvantaged and middle-class lost their political influence. 

 Greed and corporate collectivism have paralyzed our country over the last forty years.  Our government has conspired in providing greater protections to a handful of very wealthy citizens who argue for the survival of the fittest.  This has been done at the expense of commitments to educate our children, provide for the elderly, the sick, the homeless and hungry - in a country that has the means to end it all.  This has not only been inhumane but stifled growth and the common good of the nation. 
Those who buy into liberal, conservative, Republican, Democratic and etc. labeling and propaganda, are far more interested in promoting a self-serving agenda than problem solving.  The objective of all these distinctions is to create voting blocs - classes of people.  These blocs all have the same aspects in common. They use fear and hatred to create mistrust of our fellow citizens – to unite through bitterness – to polarize us.  As such, they should be dismissed and ignored wherever they are put before us.  These labels are never a viable, rational argument in defining our difficulties nor can they ever suffice as rational arguments either in support of, or opposition to, initiatives and solutions for those maladies.  If we continue in this vein, we will most assuredly accomplish what Hitler, Russia and Bin Laden couldn’t.  We will destroy ourselves.
 In conclusion; Mr. Buckley’s influence and wisdom, while NOT universal, has left its impact on my thinking.  It is irrational to conclude that because someone is unable to find a home among Grover Norguist’s and Karl Rove’s merry band of GOP lunatics, that that someone must be a Democrat.  It would further be irrational to assume that because that same someone may have supported GOP candidates in the past that he would remain a lifelong Republican.  

Like Mr. Buckley, I hold to a strong set of believes and am committed to that ideology which is not enthusiastically embraced by either political party.  I therefore must conclude that I am a man with an ideology and without a party.  But then, as I was taught by a sage who I still greatly admire, that is one of those summits of wisdom which, in all probability, will be instrumental in sustaining and even possibly saving our Republic. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

An Enduring Legacy

   If anyone ever epitomized the American dream it was Elvis Aaron Presley.
He was born on January 8, 1935 in a dirt floor shack in Tupelo, Mississippi.  His twin brother, Jesse Garon, did not survive birth.  He grew up in Memphis Tennessee. 

The Presley’s lived in African-American neighborhoods. As such they were considered and thus treated like “poor white trash.”  This ugliness clearly prepared Elvis to meet his fate in life. 

Sam Phillips founded Sun records in Memphis.  He became aware of Elvis when he stopped by his studio and paid to record a song for his mother.  Phillips had been looking for a white performer who had the feel for the black sound of gospel and rhythm and blues.  He strongly believed there could be a very lucrative market for this black sound.  However, because bigotry had a strong influence on American culture in the 1950’s, he also knew the market could not be tapped unless he could find a white performer with an authentic feel for the sound and music.  Phillips was hoping that Presley would be that performer. 

To market Elvis and see how he would be received by audiences, Phillips paired him with Scotty Moore and Bill Black and sent them out on the road as the “Blue Moon Boys.” While the response to the group was favorable it wasn’t very profitable.  Phillips needed to make money with Elvis or breakoff their relationship. A successful record needed to be produced. 

A private Sun Studio session was scheduled.  After what seemed like endless hours of working with Elvis to get the sound Phillips needed, he beckoned Scotty Moore to join him in the hallway outside the studio.  He told Scotty he had enough.  He was going to inform Elvis he was calling it quits.  Scotty told him he thought that would be a mistake.  He further told Phillips that in working and traveling with Elvis there was no doubt he had something special to offer.  He could, on occasion, mesmerize an audience. 

While they were chatting, Elvis and Bill Black began very casually playing around with a song.  When Phillips heard what they were doing he quickly rushed back into the studio.  When Presley and Black saw him enter the studio they paused believing that Phillips would once again want to give them some direction.  He did not.  He told them to keep playing and doing exactly what they were doing so he could get it on tape.  The song they were toying with was “That’s All Right Mama.”  Phillips loved it.  It was recorded on July 5, 1954. 

Because the recorded sound was unmistakably black in origin, local disc jockeys refused to air it.   After two days of refusing to play it, Dewey Phillips (no relation to Sam) at WHBQ agreed to both play it and promote it before he aired it.  Dewey told Sam he would play it only once and that was all.  Air date was set for the evening of July 7, 1954.

The Pressley’s invited friends and neighbors to all gather around the family radio.  As Elvis heard the promotions and lead-ins being aired for the song, he became violently ill.  Upon returning from the bathroom, he announced he was going for a walk.  Elvis did not hear his very first record played on the radio for the first time. 

The song led to the telephone at the radio station ringing off the hook.  Dewey called Sam and said they had a hit and he wanted Elvis to join him in the studio for an on-air interview.  Elvis’ mother, Gladys, told Sam they would send him to the station as soon as he returned home.  After far longer than Sam’s patience could bear, he called again and pleaded with the family to find Elvis, explaining they were losing a golden opportunity.  Gladys then announced to the family she would go and get him.  Vernon, Elvis’ father, was surprised that she knew where he was located.  Elvis always went to the movies to calm himself when he was in turmoil.  Gladys knew this.

As they walked out of the movie theater Elvis looked up at an ominous sky and said; “There’s a storm comin’ our way mama.”  Gladys replied; “Yes – the likes of which few have ever known.” 

During the interview at the radio station Dewey asked Elvis what high school he attended.  The only purpose for the question was to subtly establish Presley’s race.  

Elvis’ shaky legs, his quivering lip, his long sideburns, his unconventional style of dress and his African-American sounding music steeped in gospel and rhythm and blues, served to not only continue the loathing but spurred even greater scorn. 

Any negative feelings or ramifications that Elvis may have experienced from all of this hatred was never expressed publicly.

Elvis was the first American entertainer to gain overwhelming popularity despite unparalleled ridicule.  There could be no greater tribute to the man’s incredible talent and charisma.  

Elvis stood at the center of an American movement that could not be halted.  He was the leading force in spurring the music industry to far greater levels of creativity and imagination.  His impact went way beyond the music industry.  He permanently impacted American culture and society.  It was the Presley magic in large measure that provided black Americans with far greater access to mainstream America.  His influence as an entertainer continues to be unprecedented to this very day.  

His kindness and generosity are as legendary as his music legacy.  It was not uncommon for someone to be gifted a Presley possession if that someone simply complimented the possession.  Elvis was once angered when informed that Christmas traditions at Graceland would have to be altered.  Too many complete strangers had begun showing up at the Presley’s door for the elaborate gifts Elvis presented.  He finally agreed to the changes.

He overcame great storms of poverty and hatred to achieve worldwide admiration that very few Americans have ever known.    And while it is oh so sad that; “Elvis has left the building” we can rest assured that his music and all its precious memories, along with his remarkable influence, shall remain with us forever

Guns Remain An Exercise In Futility

The debate over solutions to curbing the epidemic gun violence that has gripped our nation has once again become predominate. 
Will this new round of discussions result in any meaningful improvements or will it only suffice in strengthening the continuation of the status quo once again? 

 Let’s begin with those who oppose any new gun laws in curbing sales or distribution. 

 The December 21 statement by “National Rifle Association” Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, demands the solutions be framed and the debate be focused on two areas.  One reasonable but unrealistic and the other preposterous.

 He began by discussing the cultural decay that gives rise to the mental illness responsible for the atrocities.  His point was well taken in that all of the following define our current culture.

1.      A vastly diminished sense of spirituality

2.     A breakdown in respectful, dignified, civilized behavior

3.     A glorification of violence

4.    A huge proliferation and acceptance for the use of drugs – legal and illegal

5.     A once unimaginable divorce rate

6.    A breakdown in parenting and a cohesive family structure

7.     An acceptance of the refusal to hold people accountable for their behavior

In the latter portion of LaPierre’s statement, he proposes not a balanced approach with regards any restrictions on the sale and distribution of the weaponry responsible for the most efficient destruction of human life, but encouraged the use of more weapons and more bloodshed to solve the problem. Because his latter remarks were viewed by most as being disingenuous and outlandish, his credibility has been called into question.  Discrediting him as a responsible spokesman has further led to discrediting his entire message even though his opening remarks were valid.

From the gun control advocates we hear the argument that stricter gun laws should solve the problem in its entirety. 

Their focus is on greater numbers of gun laws.

1.      Limiting the size of ammunition clips

2.      Ending gun shows and private gun sales

3.      Ensuring background checks for emotional, physiological or criminal history precede all gun purchases. 

4.      The creation of a national gun owner data base

5.      Periodic license renewals to ensure existing requirements are being met at the time of renewal with updated background checks to assure no new threats have previously absent mental disorders.

The advocates believe these measures will result in saving some lives.  Maybe, yet we have no evidence that these measures can end spree shootings.  The Brady Bill has had virtually no effect in curbing the slaughter of American lives.  Our best hope of achieving that end requires reductions in the number of guns in distribution in America and strict restrictions on their availability.

   Urgency is essential here.     Unfortunately, cultural decline and mental illness - if it can even be abated at all - will take many years of study and reforms.  As for limiting and/or eliminating the weapons themselves??  Well…No one seems to be any real hurry there.