Saturday, January 28, 2017

Berlin Wall – Mexican Style

To escape tyranny and repression in the pursuit of liberty and safety, those who lived in Communist occupied East Berlin fled by the hundreds to West Berlin.  In 1961 the Communists constructed a wall separating East Berlin from West Berlin. This prevented any further migration in search of a life absent of brutality and ripe with hope.  Today, millions attempt to flee into the United States for exactly the same reasons.

There are those who will argue that our Mexican wall is not intended to limit freedom and liberty or to prevent the escape from poverty and brutality but rather to protect our boarders.  The Berlin Wall was also touted as a wall of protection to counter its accurate description as a wall of repression.

While limiting freedom and protection may not be the stated purpose or intent of our Berlin Wall on the Mexican border, it is, nevertheless, the end result. Germany could manage the migration in the 1950's and Jordan can manage it today but America can't?  That should be of real concern to us.  We also need to consider if this wall is truly the only means by which we can stem the tide of illegal immigration or if it just the simple-minded and most visible approach, and thus the most politically expedient.  

How about a diplomatic solution comprised of creative thinking, negotiating skills, and hard work?  This certainly would not be difficult for our new Chief Executive (President Trump).  How do we know this?  Because we have been told, on many occasions, of Trump’s world class negotiating skills in arriving at successful agreements.

How about we find a solution that encompasses our making friends rather than enemies through alienation?  How about we demonstrate some worldwide leadership through compassion and understanding rather than through bullying in the creation of a climate of fear and intimidation?  How about leadership at home that stems the tide of national hatred for, and fear of, immigrants rather than intensifying and exploiting those hatreds and fears for political gain?  

Is this really what we have become? Is this really who we are?  Rest assured both Presidents Kennedy and Reagan are turning in their graves.

How many times have we heard economic progress used as justification for the Berlin Wall and now for the Mexican wall.?

 And there are even a few who say that it is true that communism (repression) is evil, but it permits us to make economic progress…Let them come to Berlin.”    ~ President John F. Kennedy

 Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!”  ~ President Ronald Reagan

 Illegal immigration and the refugee crisis are golden opportunities for America to restore much of her lost respect.  Yet it appears as though we lack the mindset, skills, talents, will and political courage necessary to take advantage of the opportunity and are content to squander it. 

 There was a day when America was indeed far more noble and committed.  Certainly, reviving that sense of moral obligation would go a long way toward making America great again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

“Do Unto Others...” Isn’t Profitable

Aaron Rodgers’ father recently spoke to the “New York Times.”
  What he told them was very ugly and of no value to anyone.  So, naturally, “The Times” printed it.
When yellow journalism like this is seen some of us always ask: “Why do we NEED to know this?”
Why did we need to know that Vernon Presley spent time in prison?  That Marilyn Monroe’s mother was in and out of mental institutions?  That the man who saved Gerald Ford’s life was gay?  That Frank Sinatra attempted suicide? and on and on and on and on…
One of the cruelest fates that can befall any on us is to grow up in a dysfunctional family.  Forms of selfishness and cruelty brought on by mental illness leave scars and challenges that last a lifetime.  There are always two sides to these stories.  Even if both sides are aired, the end result is that people always believe what they want to believe and not necessarily what is true.  To encourage victims to discuss this pain by having to defend themselves publicly is every bit as cruel as the environmental hand they were dealt. 
There once was a day when “The National Inquirer,” “Star” and all other such publications were viewed with utter distain in America.  Now they are billion dollar enterprises and therefore encouraged.  Such behavior has led to a vast number of putrid television programs with more and more of these gutter style stories being provided by what is supposed to be responsible mainstream journalism.  The American public is directly responsible for this vicious promotion of gossip, innuendo and outright falsehoods.  This serves as the biggest mockery of “Do unto others” ever perpetrated.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that this information was not only released by a New York publication (Packers 38, Giants 13) but also released at the height of the most successful point in Rodgers career.  Why now?   Is this yet another sterling example of the evil of hatred and vengeance or jealousy?  Is it because Rodgers popularity has never been greater and will therefore provide greater notoriety to those who wish to demean him?  Are books and television interviews to fatten pocketbooks forthcoming? 
We all have our demons.  Both compassion and understanding should prevent us from ever having to deal with those demons in front of millions of spectators.