Friday, February 14, 2025

The Trump Coup

In Robert Reich’s article So Call It What Is: A Coup he expresses outrage that none of the News Media outlets are referring to the Trump form of governance as a coup - “…it is objectively and in reality a coup…” - even knowing that an expectation of responsible reporting from today’s fourth estate is unrealistic.  He suggests that if the American people were inundated with the coup reality they would rise and put an end to it.  How can we be sure of that???

 For many decades our political system of governance has been badly deteriorating.  It has left us with one lunatic and coward after another (both sides of the political spectrum) as our representatives.  They are no longer patriotic, decent, well-meaning individuals.  The prototype American politician does not care about the American dream and no longer views their responsibility as providing for the common good and general welfare of our nation. Their inaction and posture in failing to compromise and find agreement in anything meaningful is crippling our once great country.  What is undeniably common is that America is now represented by second class and in many cases third class citizens (Rod Blagojevich, George Santos, Anthony Weiner and a whole host of others). 

This has produced enormous angst and depression for millions of Americans.  They are angry – they are fed-up - they are bitter, especially toward the inaction, selfishness and incompetence.  This has, and continues to, eroded trust in our elected officials.  The only politicians the American people are willing to trust are the politicians they continue to reelect, many of whom are as bad or worse than those they strongly abhor.  As such nothing changes – the stalemate continues. 

Enter Donald J. Trump.  Even with all his character flaws, ignorance and incompetence he has managed to tap into all this frustration and hatred.  He has set himself apart from anything resembling the prototype politician of the day.  This was irresistible to millions of Americans.  

Trump also realizes that trying to gain consensus with all the muttonheads, louts and incorrigibles in congress, as well as government agencies, will only result in the same failures suffered by his predecessors.  As such, he is ignoring the democratic process and the constitution that he sees as useless and will do it a different way - the easy way - the way that best suits his temperment and personal deportment.  As David Brooks so aptly writes: Trump is right about a lot of things. He’s accurately identified problems on issues like inflation, the border and the fallout from cultural condescension that members of the educated class have been too insular to anticipate. But when it comes to building structures to address those problems — well, the man is just hapless and incompetent.” 

If Trump’s behavior can indeed be classified as a coup then don’t be surprised to the see millions of Americans vigorously applauding that characterization.  This is objectively and in reality exactly what they voted for in November. 

Reference Articles: 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Minnesota Vikings 2024 – 2025 Recap

Let’s consider two realities. 

The first is that sports aficionados exist  who worship – deeply revere - excellence. This excellence can best be measured over the grind, the ordeal and demands encountered in a full season of play.   They will forever fume that a baseball team that wins 100 games or more can be deprived of a World Series appearance.  They are equally disgusted that the team that wins the Presidents Cup in the NHL does not automatically qualify to play in the finals for the Stanley Cup; and on, and on, and on.  This incessant and never-ending effort to devalue the regular season is viewed as nothing more than a putrid money grab. 

Secondly, some of these aficionados learned years ago to never allow team marketing and the media (primarily designed to sell tickets) to influence their level of enthusiasm.  They learned to remain objective and evaluate the existence of excellence on performance only.  Which brings us to the Minnesota Vikings. 

There is a 76-year-old lifetime resident of the Twin Cities who meets this description.  Sometime after the Vikings golden era under Bud Grant he stopped caring if the Vikings won a game.  He watches more out of curiosity than interest to learn if there exists even a spark of excellence.  None has occurred for years until this season's December 29th game against the Green Bay Packers at the “Darth Vader Memorial Mausoleum” in Downtown Minneapolis.   

The reason for the passion came from realizing that if the Vikes could beat the Packers they would qualify them to play for the best record and thus the top seed in the National Conference. They would once again be playing to establish a level of excellence.  After winning the Packer game, that resident of the Twin Cities knew it was time to revert to no longer caring about the outcome.  When all was said and done, only two teams in the NFL compiled a better regular season record than the Vikes.  That is too darn close to excellent to ignore and, for sure, the best any Vikings fan could have hoped for. 

So, C-O-N-G-R-A-U-L-A-T-I-O-N-S !!! to the Minnesota Vikings on a superb season. 

So now you might inquire; what else is new with the Vikings? 

Answer:  Nothing – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.  


Monday, January 13, 2025

Lessons From Los Angeles

I have asked myself, long before the Los Angels fires, how we could end or, at least, curtail the misery of the seemingly unending natural disasters that are continuing to plaque the American people. 

This consideration is particularly apropos as we are currently living in an age of American “me first,” cold indifference toward one another.  There is no effort to end spree shootings and mass killings by limiting guns and their God-awful scrouge on our society.  No effort to end the suffering and needless deaths by creating a national health care system that every other industrialized nation has instituted.  No concern over the growing level of poverty and all the human and economic misery it perpetuates upon us.  

Now add to all this pain and suffering the reality that insurance companies, one of the greediest and richest enterprises in America, can no longer afford relief to those in real need.  In recent years they have concocted ways to refuse coverage to the victims of natural disasters and are refusing to provide coverage for natural disasters in future policies.  In many cases insurance companies are justified.  Los Angeles has needed an additional 62 fire stations to meet just average daily demand for years and no action was taken.  When firefighters tapped fire hydrants during the current fire travesties there was no water available. 

Best Report-PBS Video–“Was Not Unpredictable”-Causes and The Future 

As history has taught us, the only real solution to situations like this has come from the federal government.  We have reached the point where national casualty insurance is the only effective means for victim relief.  Naturally, such coverage would impose restrictions on property located where the greatest risk for destruction exists.  Now the question arises as to how this could possibly be enacted.  America has tried for decades to enact national health care insurance with no success.  We are perfectly content to spend trillions of American dollars on wars raging all over the globe.  We see no problem in spending additional trillions on erecting athletic venues and enterprises, not to mention, billions more on oil subsidies. 

This is all so very sad.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  America has more than enough resources to do what must be done.  And the saddest commentary of all is that there is no relief in sight.