Saturday, July 18, 2015

Opinions Are NOT Facts

In a 24/7 news coverage environment, the media on all fronts love and promote misinformation in the form of supposition and hyperbole primarily designed to foster fear and hatred.  This creates controversy and stirs up the basest of emotions. 

Today’s news outlets no longer feel compelled to verify what they report.  As long as they can attribute a source for the information, they are perfectly content in releasing almost anything.  This is what their marketing gurus have encouraged them to do.  This is the most successful strategy for drawing listeners and viewers and therefore to sell their sponsors stuff and increase their profits. 

The Supreme Court ruled on Roe V Wade in 1973 making abortion legal in America.  At the time, its detractors told us this is just the start.  Next the government will be euthanizing the elderly and killing the handicapped.  They warned that this signaled the end of a Christian nation and the beginning of a Godless society.  Forty-two years later none of this wild-eyed speculation has come to pass.  

The affordable Care Act (Obama-Care) created death panels.  The number of people put to death under the Affordable Care Act thus far?  You guess it – NONE.  

With the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act it was speculated that this was just the start of a total government takeover in this country.  Next the government would be establishing real estate prices, restaurant pricing and dictating who can live where.  It’s only been 51 years since those predictions were made and again we have yet to see any of it occur. 

Next, we were told the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling would lead to the eradication of all forms of birth control.  Women should begin preparing themselves for the days when they will once again have to succumb to back-alley abortions and certain death - this despite the fact that the court frowned upon just two IUD's and two Morning After pills. 

Remember when we learned that President Obamawill spend $200 million a day on his India trip.”  It didn’t happen because it would have been impossible to do. 

Then there are those who tout that eliminating Social Security will solve our budget deficit problems.  Social Security has nothing to do with the federal budget and therefore does not impact it even one iota.  

Remember Jon Kyle taking to the senate floor to inform America that 90% of what is done at Planned Parenthood is abortions?  He later admitted he misspoke. 

And for over 60 years and after countless increases we are still hearing that the raising of the minimum wage will result in business having to shut down.  We have never been given a list as to who these businesses are nor any validations supporting the claim - bearing in mind that businesses fail in this country every day for countless numbers of reasons. 

There is more; so very much more, making this one of the biggest threats to our Democratic Republic. 

The only way to counteract all this rubbish is to first recognize it is being decimated by political party loyalists and/or tribalists.  Political parties only care about winning elections.  They are NEVER first and foremost concerned about the general welfare and common good of our nation. 

Next, we must begin recognizing when all this drivel is being flung at us.  This then requires us to do our due-diligence - our own research - to establish the credibility of the claims and assertions, along with applying our own God given common sense. 

Finally, in our daily activities and conversations, we must make it clear to everyone we address on current affairs and civics that fear and hatred expressed in the form of opinion are NOT facts.  

In the final analysis, our democratic republic requires us to think clearly and respond accordingly.  Our freedoms and liberties are NOT bestowed upon us by others.  They are bestowed upon us by We the people.”  If we choose to disengage from the blessing imparted by our founding fathers there is NOOO doubt that those liberties and freedoms will be stripped away from us.

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