Friday, October 28, 2016

Best of The Worst

A scribe was recently asked for specifics as to why polls have consistently shown that the American people do not like or trust Hillary Clinton.  

He began with Whitewater 

It was reveled in a March 1992 New York times article that Bill and Hillary Clinton were heavily invested in the Whitewater Development Corporation.  Jim and Susan McDougal were also investors in the real estate investment program. 

Criminal allegations surfaced when David Hale, an Arkansas banker, claimed that he was pressured by Bill Clinton to provide an illegal loan of $300,000 to Susan McDougal to invest in Whitewater.  Three criminal investigations could not tie the Clintons to any fraudulent or illegal behavior.  Susan McDougal went to prison for refusing to testify as to whether Bill Clinton lied in his testimony (Bill perjure himself? – Never) surrounding the scandal.  President Clinton pardoned her just hours before leaving the White House.  

Whitewater also uncovered suspicious activities surrounding what came to be known as “Trooper-gate” “Travel-gate,” “File-gate” and the questionable circumstances surrounding the death of White House counsel and Hillary Clinton aid, Vince Foster.  

Next it was reported that Hillary Clinton purchased 10 cattle futures contracts that cost $12,000 for only $1,000.  The next day those contracts were worth $6,300 and after a mere 10 months, $100,000.  Robert L. "Red" Bone, who allowed the trades, received the biggest fine ever recorded in Arkansas future exchange history and was suspended from conducting all market activities for three years. 

For brevity we will skip “Looter-gate” “Drug Dealer Donor Scandal” “China-gate”

and Norman Yung Yuen Hsu’s 24-year prison sentence for fraud in attempting to manipulating the political process in Hillary’s 2008 Campaign.  

We are now to Benghazi.  We Know – What difference, at this point, does it make?”  It makes a difference because like all the previous suspicions of wrong doing, Benghazi is also cloaked in a veil of impenetrable secrecy.  This behavior only promotes more serious doubt and suspicions centering on competency, honesty and thus motivations. 

As part of the Benghazi investigations, it was discovered that Secretary Clinton had used her private email server to conduct State Department business.  Following a request to review those emails, Secretary Clinton deleted 3,300 of them in obvious deviance of federal regulations requiring the archiving of all emails.  Hillary has stated that the deleted documents were of a personal nature only.  Yet no evidence can ever be presented to validate that assertion. 

We have learned that in American politics the impropriety is far easier for the American people to dismiss than a coverup.   When President John F. Kennedy was asked who was responsible for the “Bay of Pigs” debacle he responded with grace, humility and honesty in saying he had no wish “to conceal responsibility because I am the responsible officer of government…”  From that point forward it was, for the most part, forgotten. 

The Clinton Foundation has also come under scrutiny and investigation for suspected influence peddling while Hillary was Secretary of State.  While subpoenas have been issued, no illegal wrongdoings or fraudulent activity has been conclusively established.  Yet unethical behavior has been established.  After her visits to foreign countries as Secretary Of State, it became common for her husband to receive an invitation to speak in some of those countries for hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The foundation has managed to raise $2 billion, much of it coming from foreign governments, corporations and political donors.  While that is legal, it once again sends a signal that conflicts of interest could very easily be on the horizon. 

Hillary has further fueled suspicions around potential conflict of interest by refusing to release the transcripts of her Wall Street speeches.  Her position on the refusal is that she hasboth a public and private positionon Wall Street.  Again, this feeds into even more doubt as to what she really represents, and what she truly believes. 

And while Hillary should not be held accountable for her husband’s sexual addiction, habitual adultery and impeachment, it is fair to hold her accountable for defending his dalliances and political bungles.  She made a repeated charge that anyone attempting to bring any scandal to light were engaging in a vast right wing conspiracy.   The argument that because she was Bill’s wife, she had no choice but to aggressively defend him lacks validity.  For she indeed did have a choice.   She could have remained silent. 

Yes – politics is an ugly business.  But there is simply too much dirty laundry to support the argument that ALL of this was politically motivated.  The repetitiveness unquestionably validates indisputable character flaws in integrity and honesty.  

This has not been lost on the American people. Polls consistently reveal, through

Hillary’s unpopularity reflects that Americans are keenly aware of all this political ugliness.  If we have, in fact, reached the point where Hillary is considered the best choice between the two major party candidates, the we must brace ourselves for the reality that she could ultimately play a huge role in electing “The Donald.” 

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