Monday, November 28, 2016

Misplaced Frustration and Anger

MARK SHIELDS: “…I think the worst thing the Democrats could do is to follow the playbook that Mitch McConnell and the Republicans adopted in 2009 against Barack Obama. And that’s just total, all-out obstructionism….I think that America has had enough of it. It doesn’t work. And it’s not the best of the Democratic tradition.” 

Post-election outrage over Donald J. Trump's victory to serve as our forty-fifth president has not relinquished its fervor on social media.  Every silliness imaginable from embarrassing pictures, to mean-spirited, unfounded vicious criticisms of those who voted for him, to which entertainers will perform at his inauguration continues unabated.  It’s time to take a breath and count to ten. 

We did not elect an emperor, a monarch, a dictator, a czar, or an ayatollahWe elected a president, whose power is NOT absolute.  That power is curtailed by our constitution, a congress and the American people, if we choose to be heard.  The continued hatred and mistrusted being promoted through fear mongering boarders on the absurd. It is primarily bitterness perpetuated by those unable to come to grips with our election process and its outcome. If wrath is a preferred method of expression, then perhaps one might want to focus it where it will provide some positive results and benefits.   

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Democratic Party played a huge role in the election of Donald J. Trump.  They manipulated their nominating process to mandate no opposition (Bernie is an Independent) in their selection of the worst possible candidate to oppose Trump.  Hillary Clinton was the only Democrat Trump could have defeated.   

Also, over the last 36 years the Democrats have turned their backs on the underprivileged, poor, and middle class in favor of corporate support in the form of huge campaign contributions. 

As a result, some of the poor, underprivileged and middle class, having lost their political voice turned to Donald Trump in the hope of having that voice restored.  However, the vast majority of others betrayed by the Democratic Party simply stayed at home and didn’t vote. Trump lost the popular vote and only received support from a mere 26% of the voting electorate. 

The Democrats suffered one of their most humiliating defeats ever.  A big black eye which they earned and so richly deserved.  

So, where distain needs to be focused is on the Democratic Party in hopes they will return to the compassionate philosophy, principles and ideology of “The New Deal”, “The New Frontier” and “The Great Society.”  For if they do not embrace such a course of action, then rest assured, more tears will yet flow from blackened Democratic Party eyes.


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