Friday, October 11, 2019

Insanity Around Sacrificing the Kurds

Outrage prevails over the continued attempt of the “Forever-War-Crowd” to justify their hatreds, death and destruction. 

It is an absolute and total perversion of the truth to suggest American is somehow responsible for the slaughter the Turks and Kurds perpetrate upon themselves.  This is not the first time America has been subjected to the irrational harshness of this perversion.

America’s withdrawing of our troops from Syria is exactly what we should do.  America deserves high praise, NOT condemnation, for an action that should have taken place many, many, many months ago.  

The use of the Kurds as an argument against our withdrawal from Syria begs for the employment of sane thought.  

1.   When is America’s obligation to an ally deemed sufficient??  Are we, in today’s world, expected to fight for an eternity to escape the distaste of an ungrateful ally? 

2.   ISIS was a huge threat to Kurd security in the Middle East.  The Kurds didn’t enter into that fight to aid America; America’s involvement hugely benefited the Kurds.  They were more than happy to fight alongside us.  The Kurds knew that just their efforts, along with the efforts of the Syrian rebels, would never be enough to defeat ISIS.  

3. The Kurds have captured and held a large portion of northeastern Syria since the defeat and expulsion of ISIS.  The only reason they insist on our continued military support is because they may not be able to permanently claim that hunk of geography without America sacrificing even more American lives and spending billions more in American dollars.  Is this really a legitimate and wise use of our military resources??? 

4.   The captured ISIS fighters and their families are not, and should not, be deemed an American responsibility.  President Trump is more than accurate when he states “…Europe and others, …must… watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families. The US has done far more than anyone could have ever expected…It is time now for others…” to step up and do their part. 

5.   Whatever differences exist between the Turks and Kurds has NOTHING to do with America. If these parties are too unreasonable to sit down and work out their disagreements than they, and they ALONE, should suffer the consequences. 

6.   President Trump floated this trial balloon of withdrawal from Syrian last December.  He made it clear it would be forthcoming.  The Kurds had almost a full year to get out of harm’s way but choose to hold their ground knowing they would eventually have to go it alone.  WHY?  The answer more than likely can be found in number 3 above. 

7.  Instead of the Kurds expressing their undying gratitude for American support and portraying themselves as a grateful people, they are demanding they be viewed as a victim. America should be viewed as the ungrateful nation?  How’s that for patently absurd???  

T   This is Vietnam Déjà vu.  America suffered the exact same criticism when we finally pulled out of Vietnam.  It was then, as it is now, charged that American turned its back on an ally even though we spent billions of dollars and sacrificed over 58,000 American lives.  What will be the response when we FINALY leave Afghanistan? There is NOOO doubt that America will be harshly criticized for a reemergence of the Taliban and the cruelty they will reinstate in their abusive human rights agenda.  We will undoubtedly hear that we have deserted the defenseless Afghans who had two decades to prepare themselves to stand on their own after being provided with the best training and weaponry in the world – after the loss of thousands of American lives and billions of American dollars.  This is insanity.  To buy into it is to further glorify hatred, death and destruction.

This Kurd absurdity, like the Vietnam idiocy of deserting the South Vietnamese, is nothing more than big money behind the Forever-War-Crowd flexing their muscle. 

All those who continue to incessantly whine over America ending its war involvements could be soundly silenced by this country reinstituting forced conscription – THE DRAFT.  We fought and won World War II in less than four-years.  The more Americans touched by our wars, the shorter they become. 

These naysayers would find it next to impossible to find a sympathetic ear for their greed and selfishness if more American families were invested in our wars.  The discomfort and pain associated with the possible loss of sons and daughters suffered by more American families would create an outrage absent in America today.  Rest assured, if such a climate existed, the more than 10,000 American lives now at risk in the Middle East would ALLLL be preparing to return home. 

And THAT’S A FACT JACK” !!!!!!!

It precisely as Dr. King said; Violence (War) is immoral…It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.” 

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