Thursday, February 16, 2017

Whistleblower Leaks Are Crucial

There are no medals for those who demand we know the truth.  Yet their courage is as extensive and as crucial to us as those who stormed the beach at Normandy. 

As the world’s longest standing Democratic Republic, we have learned that liberty can be fleeting.  Without a commitment to learning and knowing the truth those precious principles can be placed in serious jeopardy.  As such, whistleblowers and their leaks have, throughout our history, acted as a safeguard against abuse of power.  They have been a key element in the accuracy and truth of the information we receive.  

President Trump claims the truth we have recently learned about his now former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, was the result of illegal and “criminal” leaks coming from the Justice Department and intelligence officials. He has said they should be ferreted out and sent to prison.  Based upon the president’s past assertions and allegations, there is an excellent chance he may have misspoken once again.  

There is no evidence that the information came from any classified documents.  This, as we have come to know, is a classic Trump maneuver.  He attempts to direct attention away from the bigger issue by creating outrage for a far less significant issue.  In this case, it is the illegal act of a private citizen conducting U.S. diplomacy versus leaks.  General Flynn’s very shaky memory surrounding what he discussed with Russian officials and exactly whom he talked to and when they spoke has hoisted more red flags than seen at a Chinese propaganda parade.  Yet, we are supposed to be outraged over the whistleblowers and their leaks?  Well – let’s look at that. 

I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”  So stated President Clinton on January 26, 1998 regarding his association with Monica Lewinski.  That was followed by perjured testimony in the Paula Jones proceedings in which the president once again stated; "I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky.  I've never had an affair with her.”  

Enter Linda Tripp and her secretly recorded telephone conversations with Lewinski detailing her dalliances with our Chief Executive.  That was followed by a blue Gap dress that still bore the semen stain left by the president in a February 1997 encounter. 

Clinton had lied about Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones and now he was doing it again regarding Monica Lewinski.  Linda Tripp is responsible for reminding us that perennial liars eventually lose all concept of the truth.

Then there was Watergate. 

Whistleblower number one: Nixon administration officials believed they had quelled the controversy by burying the truth with deceit.  Only Ben Bradlee and his reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein of the Washington Post continued pursuing the story.  They knew they were being lied to, but couldn’t prove it.  They were vilified by other news outlets for their persistence and determination.  Their credibility was in acute decline.  They reached a dead end.  Then along came Mark Felt.  Felt was an Associate Director at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  He became commonly known as “Deep Throat.”  Felt pointed the reporters in the direction they needed to go to find the facts and eventually reveal the truth.

Whistleblower number two:  The key moment surrounding the Watergate investigation came on July 16, 1973.  Senator Fred Thompson; “Mr. Butterfield (Alexander Butterfield - deputy assistant to President Richard Nixon) are you aware of the installation of any listening devices in the Oval Office of the president?"  Butterfield’s response; "I was aware of listening devices; yes sir."  From that point forward all the dominos began falling.  Butterfield could have been evasive or dishonest but rather chose to do his patriotic duty by telling the truth and blowing the whistle.

 Next up – Edward Snowden, AKA “Verax.”  Snowden was a Central Intelligence Agency employee and contractor.  He became outraged at the scope of the abuse of power employed by U.S. and other worldwide intelligence agencies.  

The National Security Agency (NSA) had very secretly exceeded its authorized directives by indiscriminately targeting private citizens and private networks worldwide.  They secured information that could be used as blackmail or coercion for potential financial or political gain. They were spying on everyone everywhere and nobody knew their privacy was being compromised and violated. 

In order to cease or temper all these illegal and unethical practices, Snowden released classified documents to establish all the abuses.  He fled America to avoid prosecution by the most powerful organizations and individuals in the country.  He was subsequently kidnapped by the Russian government and is now held captive in that country- a very dear price paid for what we all needed to know. 

Further validation rests in the horrible perversions of Enron, Penn State and Michigan State Universities.  How can we not ask; Where were the whistleblowers?  Had whistleblowers made public what they knew, how much agony would have been averted?  To believe no one was aware of these putrid pursuits is to believe professional wrestling is authentic.      

Politics demands that each and every one of these patriots be branded with the label of traitors or, at the very least, partisans.  Those exposed will allege that the whistleblowers ONLY motivation was to bring down and embarrass those they disagreed with politically or professionally.  None of those spanked by the truth, never seem to be awakened to its realities.  They have never conceded that whistleblower courage in manifesting the truth is a key component in safeguarding and securing of our liberties.

President Trump would be wise to properly correlate the differences between leaking the date and location of the allied forces landing on the coast of France during the Second World War versus the exposing of lies, deception and corruption.  One demands silence while the other demands public exposure.  Both are crucial to our national interest and any attempt to paint them as being congruent is a blatant, disgusting act of deception. 

If President Trump, future politicians and celebrities wish to avoid residing under the umbrella of disrepute all they need to do is act with honesty and integrity and avoid attempting to cloak the truth in lies and deceit.  Those who fall on their swords typically find that their immaturity, excesses, penchants toward most addictions and immorality are forgotten.  These, and ONLY THESE, behaviors should be the ONLY means by which whistleblowers and their leaks should ever become extinct.

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