Tuesday, February 21, 2017

American Muslim Hatred

All that is good is spawned by love.  All that his evil and destructive is spawned by hatred.  America has reached that fork in the road.  Which path will we choose to travel?

Attempts to justify Muslim hatred appears to be growing.

 Most of this paranoia is based upon a perverted belief that “ALL MUSLIMS” embrace a literal translation of the Quarn.  No evidence yet exists to support that wild-eyed accusation.  There are Muslims that vehemently deny it and then there are El Qaeda and ISIS.  If history has taught us anything, it is that they are a greater threat to one another than they are to anyone else.  Eight-hundred-thousand (800,000) refugees have entered the United States since September 11, 2001.  According to United States State Department figures, only 20 of them have been arrested on terrorism charges. 

If we are to use holy books, like the Quarn, as a basis for discriminatory thinking, then how should we view literal translations and thinking toward the Christian Bible?  

 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” - Leviticus 20:13

 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,…”  - Exodus 21:24

 YES – The Christian bible is full of violence and hatred.  Should that discredit the entire Christian philosophy and teachings?  Do ALL Christians take these disgusting passages literally?  Or, like Muslims, are there just a certain segment of the Christian population that distorts biblical references thus making Christianity unpropitious?

 If we lived in another country would we be willing to embrace people who come from the following environment?  Would be as quick to attach the label of ALL to Christians in as we attached to Muslims?

 ALL Christian Americans are uncivilized, vicious, violent people.  They are ALL members of the Ku Klux Klan. It is NOT safe to walk the neighborhoods on the south side of Chicago; too dangerous to take a stroll through Central Park after dark.  They engage in and support spree shootings and mass killings of even children. They ALL shot and kill their police officers. While they may not behead the enemies to their society, they kill them through lethal injections. The largest population of pedophiles has been discovered in the Catholic Church. We need to be very suspicious of ALL these Christians.  After all – can Christians really make good citizens?  Just look at all the hatred and violence in their bible and the history of their awful, brutal religious wars.

 The analogy, while accurately applied to the thinking of many Americans toward Muslims, is, as demonstrated, ludicrous.  

These hatreds signal a serious lack of proper judgement that should, by now, be viewed as totally deplorable in America.  These beliefs also require ignoring that untold thousands of American Muslims have assimilated into American culture and are making substantial contributions to our nation and way of life.  This bigotry also manifests and promotes a serious danger.  – the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City is just one example.  We must be committed to challenge and stomp out any form of bigotry whenever and wherever it raises it’s hateful, ugly head.

Finally, if this anti-Muslim hatred isn’t shamed into submission, we will eventually need to determine what discriminatory policies and practices we will institute without validation for their justification.  We will then need to determine if we still hold fast to the principles that "…all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights…”  We have done this in the past when instituting the Jim Crow doctrine of laws.  Are we really willing to relive that awful evil?

 I look to a day when people will NOT be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”       ~ Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

 If we forget this, we lose our country. But what should be far more alarming is that we also lose our souls.

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