Monday, March 6, 2017

Abortion In American – Lies And Hatreds

Abortion supporters and foes alike, lie, deceive and promulgate misconceptions as each irrational side struggles for domination in setting the agenda, framing the arguments and controlling the debate.  This must end if we are serious about reaching any consensus and, thus, any peace of mind on this contentious issue.  

President George W. Bush aptly pointed out; "You have to keep repeating things to catapult the propaganda.In other words, if people hear something often enough, they will, eventually begin to believe it irrespective of its validity. 

Senator Kyl’s Lie was followed by his office attempting to disguise the facts through more deception.    

The Hyde Amendment bars the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortions except to save the life of the woman, or if the pregnancy arises from incest or rape. 

Therefore, the reference to “subsidized abortions” is based solely upon the assumption that should federal funding be eliminated, leaving only private donations, that the funding to perform abortions would dry up.  This suggests that private funds alone would be insufficient to continue abortions.  The statement wants us to ignore any possibility that more aggressive fund-raising could alleviate the loss should federal funds be pulled.  What funding would look like on both sides of this argument is a mystery and not a fact. 

What is absent in this dialog is whether government funding is NEEDED by Planned Parenthood.  Should it be determined their funding is as necessary as the millions of taxpayer dollars spent on subsidizing the oil industry, then their funding should be discontinued.  Planned Parenthood currently services some 2.7 million patients per year and has provided service to 20% of the women in America since its inception.   If they are unable to gain financial viability we would need to know why, especially when every other medical provider in this country is getting rich.  Conversely, if Planned Parenthood clinics are victims of insurance company or government bias or discrimination then that too must end. 

Singling out Planned Parenthood for destruction as a means to end abortion is at best disingenuous. It in no way addresses the crux of the problem or the passions that fuel the controversy.  

One of the main arguments is that Planned Parenthood performs the majority of abortions in America.  The predominate argument behind drumming Planned Parenthood out of existence is that abortions would then be vastly reduced.  This is far more a fantasy than a reality. 

Texas leads the country in ridding itself of Planned Parenthood.  Services once provided through Planned Parenthood are far more expensive as funding once available through Planned Parenthood has dried up. The additional demands placed on the ill-equipped remaining clinics have made appointments difficult to secure. The closures have also resulted in limited availability to sexual education and contraceptives.  As a result, unwanted pregnancies and unplanned births are up in Texas.  Increasing unwanted pregnancies through increased medical costs and limited education and contraceptives is hardly effective in reducing abortions.  Closing Planned parenthood to limit or eliminate unwanted pregnancies and abortion makes as much sense as closing McDonalds to curb obesity.  

Another popular misconception is that Planned Parenthood encourages and strongly recommends abortions be performed.  This charge is based upon the ludicrous 90% deceit.  This also has the effect of yet another deception.  Planned Parenthood is reaping enormous profits through this bogus number of abortions performed.  There is no evidence to support even the hint of that suggestion. 

We should also consider the 15-year-old who was raped and became pregnant.  She was financially burdened and opposed to aborting her baby.  Believing she had nowhere else to turn for help, she went to Planned Parenthood.  To the young lady’s surprise, she was NOT pressured into an abortion.  Instead, Planned Parenthood respected her wishes and gave her the care, resources and support she needed for a healthy and positive pregnancy and birth. They also provided her with a support group for young parents.

The essence of this controversy lies in the necessity and proper purpose of abortion. 

Common sense dictates abortion must remain legal because of its humane necessity in dire medical circumstances and because it must be safe i.e. Physical health problems account for 4% of all abortions and Fetal Health Problems for 3% of All Abortions. 

Another key legal component is that Roe V. Wade needs to be amended.  In 1973 contraception was limited.  Today it is plentiful.  Forty-four years ago, birth defects were untreatable.  Today most can be treated.  Today disabled children are protected by a bill of rights. 

As a result, women who once firmly believed their right to privacy was inviolate are now troubled over not knowing where their privacy ends and another human being’s dignity begins.  This brings us squarely face-to-face with the moral issue.  

The largest demand for abortion is in the area of elective procedures to end unwanted pregnancies. This naturally has created moral concerns.  These concerns accurately stem from the level of responsibility that needs to be borne by women who freely consent to sexual activity and become pregnant in an age where there is no reason for them to be pregnant. These pregnancies not only result from careless or selfish behavior but from uniformed and ignorant behavior as well. 

Yet the irresponsible demand that these medically unnecessary abortions be allowed to continue even though alternative solutions (adoption and advanced medical care) exist, needs the same careful scrutiny as the legal considerations.  

If we are serious about vastly curtailing abortion, we need to enact just one law. A heartbeat is not detected until six weeks after fertilization.  If elective abortions were deemed illegal after the first six weeks of gustation, it would address the irresponsible conduct and abuses.  This would aid greatly in the reduction of the total number performed.  

Those in the Pro-Choice camp keeps telling us that that is unreasonable.  They say ad nauseum that women cannot  know they are pregnant during those first six-weeks.

That is as big a lie as Jon kyle's lie.   No matter which set of statics you encounter, one of the stats that is universal is that the largest percentage of abortions occur during those first six-weeks. 

Finally, abortion requires sound thinking and reasonable minds to find solutions and to change cultural and societal perspectives.  Forward progress will be inordinately difficult to achieve if the debate continues to be fueled by hatred and selfishness, based upon lies, deceit and misinformation with the ultimate goal of clubbing the opposition into submission.  

Eliminating these elements and that mindset, rather than the political voodoo of attacking Planned Parenthood, would be far more advantageous in accomplishing the most desirable result.

The real evil here is abortion on demand – NOT Roe V. Wade and for God Sakes, certainly NOT Planned Parenthood.

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