Thursday, May 26, 2016


Have you ever noticed how much time we spend trying to convince ourselves how much better life will be and how much happier we will be afterwards?  

Life will be much better after we get married, after we have a child and after we have another.  Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and will be content after they are.  Next is adolescence.  We are certainly going to be a whole lot happier once that phase passes.  We will certainly be much happier after the kids move out.   

We will definitely be happier after we get that new house or that new car or big screen TV or after our vacation.  

Our life will be complete after we get that new job, after we earn more money, after our spouse gets their act together, after the divorce.  

What we come to learn is that no matter whom we are, where we are or what we do, life places obstacles and challenges in the way.  It is not the challenges we face in life that determines happiness but rather how we deal with them.  Some people can't lose while others will never win.

There was a man who devoted his life to making the Forbes list of the 400 richest people in America.  He took the risks, made the sacrifices and worked extremely hard and finally broke onto the list at number 329.  When he was called by a good friend to congratulate him on this success, the friend was surprised to learn his buddy viewed the success as hallow.  He confided in the caller that it was very disheartening to have gone through all he went through only to come to the realization that there are still 328 people more successful than him.  

This is a fellow who is playing in a football game he can never win.  From his perspective, the goal posts are pushed back ten yards whenever he makes a first down.  He will never be happy. 

Time waits for no one.  Joy is not found when you finish school.  It's not found when Friday or the first or the fifteenth of the month arrives.  It's not until you've had a drink or your favorite song is played on the radio or when spring, summer, fall, winter or retirement arrives.  It's now! 

The happiest people are not those with a certain set of circumstances but rather those with a certain set of attitudes.  There is no way to happiness.  Happiness is the way.  It is never the destination-it is the journey.  Enjoy each and every minute of each and every day.

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