Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Ideology Deceit And Manipulation

We must begin as a nation to acknowledge that 
“one Size does NOT fit all.” 

Let’s begin with a stark reality.

 First; there is not today, nor has there ever been, a universal definition for any ideology.

 Any attempted definitions will only serve to provide insight into the author’s thinking rather than a clearer or universal understanding of the ideology.  

 As there is no universal acceptance as to what constitutes a liberal, conservative, socialist, libertarian and etc.  these labels are badly convoluted and thus misunderstood.  They have been derived and created to primarily pigeonhole voters into demographics in the hopes of creating voting blocs that can be pursued for political control and power. 

Over the years, thinking surrounding these labels has also been manipulated to express contempt (“Liberal Elitist,” “Limousine Liberal,” "Right Wing Waco," "Bleeding Heart Liberal") for those whose point of view may differ from what another political group may desire.  

The object is to shame or humiliate the opposition into agreement or at the very least, suppress their beliefs and opinions. This is their most common use today.  For example: Liberal means state control or the equivalent of a form of socialism or communism.  Common rhetoric for these folks by the opposition is “Lib-tard.” Conservative is purported to mean virtually no role of government in our everyday lives.  Its fundamental doctrine is the "survival of the fittest" in a "dog eat dog" environment comprised of “roughed individualists.”  Common rhetoric for the opposition here is “Redneck” or an “Uncle Tom.” 

None of this nastiness is designed to create a stronger more viable nation.  The strongest political motivators are fear and hatred.  Both Republicans and Democrats are keenly aware of this necessity to win elections.  It should NEVER escape us, that winning is ALWAYS first and foremost to any political party.  The health and welfare of the country is NEVER as paramount to them as the motivational pulls of fear and hatred.   

We must become a nation of confident, compassionate and respectful pragmatists, exorcizing the political partisanship of fear and hatred for self-centered political gains.

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